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Charvil Piggott Primary School

Part of the Piggott Church of England Academy

Travel To Charvil

Our school benefits from being located within reasonable walking and cycling distance of much of the school catchment area, complemented by well-maintained supporting transport infrastructure.

Pupils and staff are encouraged to make use of these options to reduce the number of journeys taken by car.

Annually we have a primary road safety assembly led by the Wokingham Borough Road Safety team and Thames Valley Police.


A good network of pedestrian pavements and footpath connects the school with the local area.  All pupils are expected to behave sensibly and with respect when walking to and from school.

If you need to cross a road on your route to school, always use the Green Cross Code:

  1. Find a safe place to cross, and then stop.
  2. Stand on the pavement near the kerb.
  3. Look all around for traffic and listen.
  4. If traffic is coming, let it pass.  Look all around again.
  5. When there is no traffic near, walk straight across the road.
  6. Keep looking and listening for traffic while you cross. 
Cyclists / Scooters

All students riding a bicycle to school should wear a cycle helmet when riding to and from school.  Cyclists should wear light coloured and luminous clothing.   All cycles must be left in the cycle sheds, and secured with an efficient locking device.  Please ensure that children dismount when coming onto school property and do not ride their bicycles on the school playground or in front of the school reception area.   It is highly recommended that all pupils on scooters also wear helmets.


All parents entering the school by car are expected to drive with the utmost care and attention for the safety of others.  All drivers and passengers travelling to and from school by car must, by law, wear a seat belt.

The Charvil Piggott School - Safe Routes to School Policy

The School has agreed the following policy to try to promote the safety of all pupils, staff and parents on route to and from School:

  • All cyclists must wear a cycle helmet when cycling to and from school.  It is highly recommended that all pupils on scooters also wear helmets.
  • No pupils should cycle in the car park.
  • All staff and parents entering or exiting the school by car or motorcycle are expected to drive with the utmost care and attention for the safety of others.
  • No cars should be parked along the front of the school or in the entrance to the school to pick up pupils.
  • All cars should respect the one way system when entering and exiting the school.
  • All pupils travelling to school by car must by law wear a seat belt.