This form will ask you for basic information about your child including, names, addresses and emergency contacts. This form will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Please let us know who is completing this form.
Please complete the below sections with the student's information.
Government regulation requires schools to draw up and maintain a register of names and addresses of all persons who should be regarded as parents of students attending the school. (Parent in this instance includes both natural parents and any guardian or person having the actual custody of the young person, e.g. step-parent).
In the section below, please provide contact details of persons that can be contacted in the event of illness or other emergency during school hours.
Please complete the below sections with details of the emergency contact details. We will make contact in order of priority starting with the 1st emergency contact.
We send all correspondence where possible by email to parents' email addresses using the School Comms system which is secure. Where this is not possible, we will send home a paper copy.
Please submit your form using the button below.