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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy

Year 9 Curriculum


Term 1 & 2 - Diverse Voices

A range of short stories and extracts from diverse voices alongside a diverse voice novel

Term 3 

The novel – Lord of the Flies

Term 4

The novel – Lord of the Flies, with opportunities to explore non-fiction texts

Term 5

Analysing Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet

Term 6

Analysing Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet, with opportunity to explore love and relationships poetry






Year 9 home learning content for Physics 
The topics that are due to be taught since schools were closed until the summer as follows:

  • A revision and consolidation of the P1 energy topic (2 weeks)
  • Forces 1 (P5 in the AQA trilogy specification) (6 weeks)

The energy topic was widely completed before schools were closed. It consisted of the following basic principles:

  • Forms of energy and transfers of energy
  • Calculations involving energy transfers
  • Efficiency and power
  • Energy when heating (specific heat capacity as well as thermal energy transfer)
  • Renewable energy forms and processes

The forces topic consists of the following principles:

  • Types of forces and their effects on objects
  • Resolving forces on an object
  • Scalars and vectors
  • Centre of mass
  • Elastic and inelastic materials
  • Hooke’s law (the effect of forces on the shape of a material)

This should take us to around May half term and then we would have been preparing for end of year exams which would have been based on the topics taught since September. These topics are:

  • Waves (P6)
  • Particle model (P3)
  • Energy (P1)
  • Forces (P5 first half)

As mentioned above, these codes are referencing the specification that can be obtained from the AQA website

Combined Science 

Triple Science
Students can also access content using their CGP revision guides as well as BBC Bitesize which groups the content into topics and exam boards. 



Year 9 Biology Home Learning Summer Term 2020
Module B3 – Infection and Response

This topic will be covered using the information given on SMHW which includes useful links. Students will be set 3 lessons per fortnight in line with the 3 lessons per fortnight they would attend at school. Quizzes or exam questions are set fortnightly to help students consolidate their learning and self-assess where they at. Individual teachers may provide extra resources for their class or be in contact via email where possible. The topic ends with an end of topic assessment self-assessed by students with results submitted to teachers where possible.

Communicable Disease

  • Define the term “pathogen”
  • Explain what it means if a disease is “communicable”
  • Describe how diseases can be transmitted 
  • Discuss methods to prevent the spread of disease


  • Explain how viruses make us ill 
  • Describe the causes, transmission, symptoms, treatment and prevention options for measles, HIV and TMS


  • Be able to discuss general features of bacteria 
  • Describe how bacterial disease makes us ill
  • Outline what is meant by “crown galls” in plants 
  • Describe the causes, transmission, symptoms, treatment and prevention options for Salmonella food poisoning and gonorrhoea

Fungi and Protists

  • Be able to describe the general features of fungi
  • Describe the causes, transmission, symptoms, treatment and prevention options for rose black spot fungus in plants and malaria in humans

Human Defence Responses

  • Describe how human body defence mechanisms stop the entry of pathogens
  • Describe the roles of white blood cells in the defence against disease (phagocytosis, antibody and antitoxin production)
  • Explain why you can catch certain diseases only once (in normal circumstances)


  • Describe why people are vaccinated
  • Explain how vaccination works
  • Explain how herd immunity reduces the spread of a pathogen

Antibiotics & Painkillers

  • Compare the use of painkillers and antibiotics to certain pathogens
  • Give examples of painkillers and antibiotics
  • Describe the problems with overuse or misuse of antibiotics

Drug Discovery

  • State which drugs originate from plants and microorganisms

Drug Development

  • Describe the main steps in the development and testing of a new drug

Consolidation of Year 9 modules – B1 (Cell Biology), B2 (Organisation) and B3 (Infection and Response)
This will be review and revision of the work covered throughout the year utilising a variety of resources via SMHW information. 


Year 9 Home Learning content for Chemistry

Topics that we will cover 
A revision of C2 Structure and Bonding

  • C9 The Earth’s Atmosphere (mislabelled C13 in the textbook)
  • C10 The Earth’s Resources (mislabelled C14 in the textbook)

C9 The Earth’s atmosphere includes:

  • History of our atmosphere
  • Our evolving atmosphere
  • Greenhouse gases
  • Global climate change
  • Atmospheric pollutants

C10 The Earth’s Resources includes:

  • Finite and renewable resources
  • Water safe to drink
  • Treating waste water
  • Extracting metals from their ore
  • Life cycle assessments
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle

There would have also been preparation for an end of year test revising all the other topics covered this year:

  • Atomic structure
  • Structure and Bonding

More detailed breakdown of work will be set every 2 weeks for pupils to complete on Show My Homework, this will usually consist of some note taking and researching and a quiz to check understanding.  We already have built in dedicated time for revision in year 11 so will have enough time to go over anything that pupils are finding tricky when we are back.
Link to the specification (AQA Combined Science) 






In the first part of the Autumn Term, Year 9 students complete their study of persecution during the 20th century with in-depth investigations of apartheid in South Africa and examples of genocide in Armenia, Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

By Christmas, students start their GCSE course with the first Edexel unit: The USA 1954-75 Conflict at Home and Abroad.

Key Issue 1: The development of the civil rights movement 1954-60

How were black Americans treated in the early 1950s?

How did civil rights organisations develop during the 1950s?

What were the key features of the Brown v. Topeka case?

How did the Brown case contribute to further progress in education?

What happened during the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

What was the impact of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

How did people oppose the civil rights movement?


Key Issue 2: Progress, protest and radicalism 1960-75

How much progress was made between 1960 and 1962?

What impact did peaceful marches have on the civil rights movement?

What happened during Freedom Summer?

What role did Kennedy and Johnson play?

What was the impact of Malcolm X?

Why did Black Power emerge?

What did the Black Panther movement achieve?

How did the civil rights movement develop between 1965 and 1975?

Was Black Power a help or a hindrance to civil rights?

To what extent did the civil rights movement achieve equality for black Americans?


Key Issue 3: US Involvement in the Vietnam War

What were the origins of the Vietnam War?

Why did the USA get involved in Vietnam?

How did the conflict escalate under Johnson?

How did the Vietcong use guerrilla tactics?

What were the main methods used by the USA?

What was the significance of the Tet Offensive?

Why did Vietnamisation fail?

How did the war change under Nixon?


Key Issue 4: Reactions to and end of the war in Vietnam

Why did opposition to the Vietnam War grow?

How did the public react to the My Lai massacre?

Why did some people support the war?

What were the key features of the peace negotiations?

What was the significance of the Paris Peace Agreement?

Why did the USA fail in Vietnam?

How is the outcome of the Vietnam War interpreted?


Students then move on to Early Elizabethan England 1558-1588 during the Summer Term


Key Issue 1: Queen, government and religion, 1558-69

What was society and government like in 1558?

What issues did Elizabeth face on becoming queen?

What challenges did Elizabeth I face in 1558-59?

What kind of church did Elizabeth choose in 1559?

What was the impact of Elizabeth’s religious settlement?

What was the role of the Church of England?

To what extent did the Puritans challenge Elizabeth I?

To what extent did the Catholic Church threaten Elizabeth I?

To what extent did foreign powers threaten Elizabeth I?

Did Mary, Queen of Scots have a claim to the throne?

What happened to the relationship between Elizabeth and Mary, Queen of Scots 1568-69?

Students will complete the remaining parts of this unit during the first term of Year 10

  • Lesson 5 What was the impact of Elizabeth’s religious settlement?
  • Lesson 6 What was the role of the Church of England?
  • Lesson 7 To what extent did Puritans challenge Elizabeth I?
  • Lesson 8 To what extent did the Catholic Church threaten Elizabeth I?



Year 9 French Outline of Work Summer Term 2020

Work will be set on each of the following themes in various forms:

GCSE Theme 1a (Self, family, friends)

  • Introduction to the photo task: document with model Q&A to work on
  • GCSE speaking question preparation for this theme

GCSE Theme 1b (Free time)

  • Revision of sports and music
  • Revision of technology, film and TV
  • Extension of sport + using ‘depuis’ with the present tense
  • Talking about life online + revision of comparatives
  • Talking about books and reading + practising the imperfect tense
  • Extension of TV + using direct object pronouns
  • Talking about the cinema + using superlatives
  • End of module testing
  • GCSE speaking question preparation for this theme
  • Writing practice

Regular vocab learning will also be set as well as Duolingo once a fortnight.
There will also be practice of verbs and tenses along the way. 


Year 9 Outline of summer term learning
Finish school topic:

  • Discussing school rules and opinions on them
  • The school system in Germany
  • Class trip – planning an exchange – using the future tense
  • Celebrating success in school – using the past tense and discussing achievements and celebrations of school events

Topic 2 – Freetime:

  • Revising hobbies and time phrases; nouns and articles
  • Reading; types of material to read;  and the pros and cons of books
  • Music – types of music, musical instruments
  • Film and TV – writing a film review



Year 9 Spanish Outline of Work Summer Term 2020

Work will be set on each of the following themes in various forms, but most likely a PowerPoint/Googleslide or a worksheet that will specify notes that need to be copied into exercise books and will include a variety of tasks that need to be completed and self-corrected with an answer sheet.
Regular vocab learning will also be set as well as Duolingo / Memrise once a fortnight.

Last part of Module 3 - En España

  • Revision of food from Y8
  • Ordering food from a menu in a café / restaurant

Module 4 – ¿Cómo te desplazas? – How do you get around?

  • Revise places in town and add more complex vocabulary
  • Modes of transport and give opinions / pros and cons of each
  • Recommend different modes of transport and say why
  • Ask the way
  • Understand more complex directions 
  • Understand and use command form (Usted)
  • Trainstation – Ask questions about trains (24 hour time, destinations, departures and arrivals)

Module 5 – Salud y consejo – Health and advice

  • Learn parts of body
  • Say what is hurting and how long / since when your are/ have been feeling this way
  • Use of phrases using “Tener – to have”
  • Asking and listening for advice at the doctors surgery
  • Talk about healthy lifestyle
  • What you should do to improve your health 

Year 9 Chinese Outline of Work Summer Term 2020

Work will be set on each of the following themes in various forms:

GCSE Theme 1a (Self, family, friends)

  • Introduction to the photo task: document with model Q&A to work on
  • GCSE speaking question preparation for this theme

GCSE Theme 1b (Free time)

  • Revision of sports and music
  • Revision of technology, film and TV
  • Extension of sport + using adjective phrase of ‘ 跑得很快/慢’ 
  • Talking about life online + revision of comparatives
  • Talking about  things you like to do when you was young
  • Extension of TV + using direct object pronouns
  • Talking about the cinema + using superlatives
  • End of module testing
  • GCSE speaking question preparation for this theme
  • Writing practice

Regular vocab learning will also be set as well as Duolingo/ quizlet once a fortnight.
There will also be practice of verbs and tenses along the way.


Religious Education 

Topic 1: Theme E: Religion, Crime and Punishment

  • Lesson 1 - Introduction to Theme E
  • Lesson 2 - Lawbreakers
  • Lesson 3 - Aims of Punishment
  • Lesson 4 - Origin of evil and suffering
  • Lesson 5 - Prison, corporal punishment and community services
  • Lesson 6 - Forgiveness and prison chaplaincy
  • Lesson 7 8: Death Penalty

Topic 2: Theme D: Religion, Peace and Conflict

  • Lesson 1 - Introduction to war and peace
  • Lesson 2 - Forgiveness and Reconciliation
  • Lesson 3 - Terrorism
  • Lesson 4 - WMD’s
  • Lesson 5 - Just War Theory
  • Lesson 6 - Holy War and Jihad
  • Lesson 7 - Does religion cause war?
  • Lesson 8 - Pacifism
  • Lesson 9 - Religious responses to victims of war


Design and Technology 

Due to the nature of the Design & Technology course it is, unfortunately, not possible for students to complete the same content that they would have studied in school at home. We will therefore set a number of different mini design tasks that will enable the students to develop the same creative and problem-solving skills at home. We will try and make these tasks as flexible as possible as we appreciate that students may be limited by the resources available at home.

If possible, students should submit evidence of the work that they have produced online via SMHW.

Each mini design task will focus on developing the following skills:

Key stage 3
Through a variety of creative and practical activities, pupils should be develop the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in an iterative process of designing and making.
Use research and exploration to identify and understand user needs.
Identify and solve their own design problems and understand how to reformulate problems given to them.
Develop and communicate design ideas using annotated sketches.
Select from and use a range of materials taking into account their properties. (we understand that students will not have access to materials, but they should still consider material properties when designing)
Test, evaluate and refine their ideas and products.

Other Resources Available:

Pupil Portal — Albany Academy
Focus e-learning – This gives access to a number of online resources that can be accessed via a smartphone, tablet or computer. The relevant Focus e-learning link will be included on the tasks set on SMHW as this can only be accessed via the school’s licence.

SOLIDWORKS | 3D CAD Software Packages for Education

SolidWorks 3D CAD modelling – CAD modelling can help develop skills that apply to a number of different industries including product design, architecture, engineering, computer game design and animation to name just a few. If any students would like to develop their 3D modelling skills at home please email Mr Smith (  from their school email account and he will send the download instructions and licence details. Unfortunately, this is only available on PC and doesn’t work on a Mac. 


Computer Science 

Points to note:

  • Lessons will be released to students on day of actual class, and where possible, at least 1 week to be given to submit homework.
  • Sample answers will be given out so students can self-mark work.
  • All work to be heavily supported / guided by teachers via provision of teacher led videos or associated tutorials,  specific websites for guided and relevant research
  • All lessons will be concise and appropriately short so as not to overwhelm students. 
  • Students are encouraged by their teachers to contact them in case of any issues 


  • To carry on with 2 lessons of programming topics and 2 lessons of theory as appropriate for both groups. This is the same as we do in school.
  • Programming Topics are short and quick, and too many to list here. I am happy to forward OCR specification to parents if required.
  • This term so far we have done For Loops, Datatypes and Casting, and progressing towards designing algorithms using Flowchart and writing Pseudocode using Exam Reference Language (this is a new introduction in the changed GCSE CS spec starting from this cohort)
  • In Theory topics, we are carrying on as per group schedule with one group reading about Networking and another doing Data Representation. These will change to new topics as and when they are finished.

Year 9 Creative iMedia:
Points to note:

  • Lessons will be released to students on day of actual class, and where possible, at least 1 week to be given to submit homework.
  • All work to be heavily supported / guided by teachers via provision of teacher led videos or associated tutorials,  specific websites for guided and relevant research
  • All lessons will be concise and appropriately short so as not to overwhelm students. 
  • Students are encouraged by their teachers to contact them in case of any issues 


  • To carry on with remaining skills delivery lessons for unit R082 (Creating digital graphics). This is a coursework unit and students had finished a few hours in school before school closed. Coursework cannot be done un-supervised hence currently suspended. But delivery of skills needed for this unit to be wrapped up.
  • Deliver new unit R081 (Pre-Production Skills). Fully teacher led unit with students to submit work per lesson as directed. 



Year 9 Projects to be covered this term:

  • Wrapped Project – Looking at artists such as Christo, Alison Watt & Mark Salvatus


  • Food Project – Looking at artists such as Joel Penkman, Sarah Graham, Wayne Theibauld, Burton Morris

Students working on individually tailored projects based on one of the above themes.



Practitioner Study 

Students will be studying a range of theatre practitioners in four separate studies: Konstantin Stanislav-ski, Bertolt Brecht, Antonin Artaud and Jerzy Grotowski / Peter Brook. All studies are set on Show My Homework (SMHW). Each practitioner study will be set for a two week period with a consolidation quiz at the end to test their acquired knowledge.

There are a number of tasks / activities set to help develop their knowledge per each two week study. These do not need to be submitted.

Note: At the end of the Practitioner Study (all five covered) there will be a further consolidation quiz covering all five practitioners.

Live Performance Review Practice

A key part of the GCSE exam will be to write a review on a piece of Live Theatre. Students will be set a live performance (via Digital Theatre / National Theatre Archive online) to watch and make notes on whilst viewing. They will then, using a template given, via SMHW, need to answer two given questions to practice. 

All information and guidance, with key dates, will be uploaded onto SMHW.

This will be set in the 2nd half of the Summer Term (June).

Any queries please contact Mrs Tomo




Core PE

During this time it is important that students keep themselves active. In order to support students with this we will set a weekly physical challenge which will cover the different components of fitness:

  1. Strength
  2. Speed
  3. Agility
  4. Balance
  5. Cardio Vascular endurance (aerobic power)
  6. Coordination
  7. Flexibility
  8. Muscular Endurance
  9. Power (anaerobic power)
  10. Reaction time

Alongside this we will be setting quizzes which will cover the following areas:

  1. Health and Fitness
  2. The body and how it works in relation to exercise
  3. Types of exercise
  4. Effects of exercise on the body
  5. Types of training
  6. Nutrition
  7. Fitness Testing
  8. Contemporary issues in sport

Students will also find further challenges on the PE twitter page @PiggottPE
There are many workout videos available on the internet including:
Body Coach
Just Dance
Jessica Ennis
Youth Sports Trust




Weeks 1 and 2 (prior to Easter)

  • Pupils given a mini-project based on the film Jaws

Week 3 (after Easter)

  • Pupils given a task to revise/learn key terms relating to magazine design

Week 4

  • Analytical task based on representations in a magazine cover

Weeks 5 and 6

  • Practical task to design a magazine, using software freely available online

Week 7 and after half-term 

  • JH to create a research task based on the James Bond franchise to introduce the first of the GCSE set texts
  • We will begin to deliver content on the James Bond texts normally covered in the final half-term of Y9

All work is set on SMHW


Food and Preparation 

Home Learning for Food and Preparation Year 9 students.
Your lessons are four a fortnight so work has been set to cover several lessons- you decide when to complete the theory based task and when you can complete the practical task, I will set dates on SMHW- to help you keep on track.
Seneca tasks will also be set as this will help you with your written exam.
Have a go at the tasks- hopefully you will find them beneficial- please send photos of your practical tasks- as they are great to see! 
A plan of your home learning is as follows: 

Ensure if you can look at your emails regularly and check SMHW
Happy baking and cooking!