Leadership Programme
Each year, our Year 9 students have the opportunity to apply to become a leader and role model in the subject they have a passion for. Our leaders deliver a series of sessions for primary school students.
Our Leadership Programme is designed to give students a unique learning experience, which will give them the skills and confidence to lead and manage in a variety of different situations. Focusing on confidence and self-esteem, the programme promotes maturity, commitment and team work. It will enable students to experience what it is like to stand up and take the lead.
There is no doubt that students learn by teaching and our Leadership Programmes will support your child's knowledge and enthusiasm for their favourite subject. In a results driven environment, it can be all too easy to forget the importance of social skills and people skills.
The personal journey that our students take throughout the programme stands them in good stead for their future careers and life itself. If successful, our leadership graduates will be able to use their workbooks and certificates to support entry into further education or employment.
As students begin Year 9, they will have the opportunity to apply for to become an IT leader, a Sports leader, Drama leader, Language leader, Design leader, Geography leader or a Music leader. We are unable to offer a leadership place to every student in Year 9 and therefore places will be awarded based on a formal application process. Students that do not become leaders will take part in a student enrichment programme.
Leadership Programme Gallery