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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy


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Page 12

  • Consultation on Admissions Arrangements for 2020/21

    Published 17/10/18

    Consultation period:  Monday 15th October to Monday 10th December

    It is a statutory requirement for all state funded schools to consult on their Admissions Arrangements every 7 years. In line with this requirement, The Piggott School is consulting on its Admissions Arrangements for 2020/2021.The proposed changes are as follows:


    ·         The removal of denominational grounds (category G) from admissions criteria. This change is proposed in line with advice from the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education to remove faith based criteria from admissions arrangements.



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  • School Open Days and Evenings

    Published 13/09/18

    Open Days

    Tuesday 2nd October 2018 & Wednesday 3rd October 2018

    See the school at work

    9.15 – 10.45am    or    9.30 –11.00am

    Please telephone main reception to book a place



    Open Evening

          Thursday 27th September, 2018

    Talks by the Headteacher

    At 6.15 and 6.45 and 7.15pm.

    Meet the staff, displays and tours around the school


    Further details from The Piggott School

    0118 940 2357

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  • Team Maths Challenge

    Published 06/09/18


    The Piggott School recently hosted the Primary Team Maths Challenge, a competition which saw Year 5 and 6 students from the surrounding area compete in a variety of challenging rounds.

    The pupils from 6 different local schools worked together to complete 4 different tasks, all of which needed team work and perseverance to finish. The students engaged brilliantly with the often difficult rounds, which included murder mysteries and code breaking. A particularly enjoyable round for the pupils involved constructing a tower using only newspaper and sellotape and it was amazing to see all the different designs and strategies which pupils devised.

    The winning team was a group from Sonning Primary School. They demonstrated brilliant teamwork and enthusiasm throughout the day.  


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  • GCSE Results

    Published 23/08/18

    Another Amazing Year of GCSE Results at The Piggott School

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  • A Level & Level 3 Vocational Results

    Published 16/08/18

    A Level & Level 3 Vocational Results – The Piggott School

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  • Activities Day Reports

    Published 27/07/18

    We had a busy few days at the beginning of the month with our Summer Activity Days.  

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  • Welcome To Visitors From Luzhou High School, China.

    Published 16/07/18

    We are delighted to be hosting a group of students and teachers from our partner school Luzhou High School in Sichuan Province, China.

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  • Year 10 French Exchange 2018

    Published 13/07/18

    On Sunday 13th  May 2018, 24 Year 10 Piggott students embarked upon their journey to France, and after a long day of travelling, we finally arrived at the car park where we were greeted by our exchanges and their families who kindly welcomed us to their homes.

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  • Sports Day - Friday 13th July

    Published 12/07/18

    Sports Day Friday 13th July 

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  • Change to Yr 6 Welcome Evening

    Published 09/07/18

    In light of the World Cup semi-final on Wednesday evening our Year 6 into 7 welcome event has been brought forward. I am sure many of you will want to watch the football and I hope that this will allow you to do so whilst also visiting the school.

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  • Further Mathematics Support Programme

    Published 05/07/18

    15 Year 9 girls were recently given the opportunity to attend an event run by the Further Mathematics Support Programme at the Mathematical Institute, part of the University of Oxford. The aim of the event was to motivate and inspire more girls to access Mathematics at a higher level and encourage students to consider the importance of maths outside the classroom.  

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  • UKMT Maths Team Challenge

    Published 13/06/18

    Earlier this term, four of our students were selected to compete in the UKMT Maths Team Challenge against other schools in the region. The Maths Team Challenge is always an exciting and highly competitive event, and this was no exception, with students solving a variety of intricate mathematical problems and puzzles. Our four students, Mia Palmer (Year 9), Alex Flann (Year 9), Jess Peck (Year 8) and Matthew Steele (Year 8), demonstrated fantastic team work.

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  • Spanish Exchange 2018

    Published 05/06/18


    On April the 17th two groups of ten students went on the Spanish Exchange. The trip was very enjoyable as it didn’t just help us improve our speaking of the language but it also allowed us to experience the culture and compare our different lifestyles.

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  • Year 7 Scholars Maths Quiz

    Published 25/05/18

    Two of our Year 7 students, Thomas and Amelia, represented the Piggott School in the Year 7 Mathematics Quiz competition held at Shiplake College on 22nd of March.

    The team achieved 4th position, competing against 13 other teams from independent or grammar schools.

    They showed brilliant team work and amazing clarity of thought under pressure.

    These were Thomas’ thoughts about the Quiz evening:

    “I liked how the quiz was organised because of the interesting way the questions were presented. The quiz involved me thinking ‘outside the box’. Also the competitive side made it enjoyable.

    My favourite round was the relay as it involved quick thinking and teamwork.

    The refreshments being particularly good too!”


    Well done Amelia and Thomas.


    Mrs Kashyap, Mathematics Department

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  • 2018 Mathematics Masterclasses

    Published 21/05/18


    Two of our Year 9 students, Mia Palmer and Alec Oliver, have recently had the opportunity to attend the 2018 Mathematics Masterclasses, organised on behalf of the Royal Institution of Great Britain.

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  • PSA Quiz Night

    Published 27/04/18

    Please find below all you need to book your team table for the PSA quiz, to be held in the main school hall on Friday 27th April from 7pm. 


    This year we are limited to 20 teams so do make sure you get in early!  Please send your requests to Caroline Jamieson, Chair of the PSA, via email to

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  • Piggott School Girls Win National Cyber Security Competition

    Published 22/03/18

    A team of four Year 8 girls have won a national competition, organised by the government’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to encourage girls to consider a career in cyber security. Over 1,200 teams took part in the online round of the 2018 CyberFirst Girls Competition at the end of January, and the top 10 teams were invited to the Grand Final in Manchester on 19 March.

    Initially 18 girls made up 5 teams for the online round, solving taxing technical puzzles and challenges set by the NCSC.  The top Piggott team The Computifuls (Jess Peck, Megan Pickup, Zara Pristov-King and Callena Wylie) qualified for the final, having shown great dedication and a very mature understanding of when to work individually and when to collaborate.  Not satisfied with being in the top 1% of participants, they set about researching topics which would give them the best chance in the final, and so were very well prepared.



    The all-day final involved teams taking the part of computer network security professionals at a company which was the victim of a ransomware attack.  Each team had to use all their skills to identify the source and nature of the attack, and to recover from it.  They also had to make a presentation to the company directors to share their findings and to make recommendations for avoiding similar attacks in future.


    As winners of the final, the Piggott girls won individual prizes as well as £1,000 for the school to spend on computer equipment.

    Mr Rimmer who was the coordinator of Piggott's CyberFirst entries, said,

    “We are all absolutely thrilled for the girls.  They have been so determined to do their best, and having had 15 years’ professional experience as a software developer, I can assure anyone that the level of skill and understanding which they have demonstrated is extraordinary.

    “The result is also a great demonstration of the strength of our Computer Science department under the leadership of Mrs Bhattacharya.

    “Any of the girls around the UK who scored well in the online round can be confident of their ability to have a good career in the computer industry, and I hope that the competition has encouraged them to consider that option.”

    NCSC have written an article about the competition and the Piggott girls' success at the link below.


    Photos provided by the NCSC


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