Open Evening and Open Mornings
Dear Parents
It will soon be time for you and your child to choose a secondary school. In order to help you with your decision, I have pleasure in inviting you to visit The Piggott School for the following events:
Open Evening – Thursday, 29th September
On Thursday, 29th September, starting at 5pm and finishing at 8pm, you are invited to our annual Open Evening. I encourage you to visit us with your child. I will give a short talk at 5pm, which will be repeated at 6pm and at 7pm. You will also have the opportunity to tour our school, meet with staff and pupils and ask any questions you may have.
I look forward to welcoming you so that you and your child can experience a flavour of life at The Piggott. It will give you an opportunity to speak with staff and students and experience the many exciting learning activities, demonstrations and displays.
This is a very popular and busy evening. There will be limited parking on site so you are strongly encouraged to walk or take public transport. Some parking may be on a grass pitch area which, weather dependent, could be somewhat muddy.
Open Days
On Tuesday 4th, Wednesday 5th, Thursday 6th and Friday 7th October, parents are invited to visit the school while our pupils are in lessons. Pupils will escort you on a tour of the school, answering questions and providing information as you observe the children’s learning.
Tours start at 9.15am and will finish around 10.30am. Any parking will be on a potentially muddy grass pitch, so you are encouraged not to drive to the school site. This is a wonderful opportunity to see the school in full operation. If you would like to join one of the tours, please contact main reception in order to secure a place.
I sincerely hope that you are able to attend on at least one of these occasions. A prospectus and further information about the school will be available at each event. You may also like to visit the school website for additional information.
Yours faithfully
D J Gray
Executive Headteacher