PSA Auction Collection Info
PSA Auction 2017
The auction raised £1,569.02, thank you to everyone who bid.
The PSA Christmas Auction is now Closed - Many thanks for your participation.
Winners should collect prizes from The School’s Reception on:
- Thursday 14th December between 2pm and 4pm
- Friday 15th December between 2pm and 4pm
- Monday 18th December between 3.30pm and 5.30pm
- Tuesday 19th December between 3.30pm and 5.30pm
Items not collected by this time will be kept securely until school re-opens in January
Payment by cash or cheque made payable to The Piggott School Association
Online Auction Info
- You can bid for an item online by clicking on it
- You can click on a category to view groups of items, e.g. Food and Drink etc.
- Scroll down to see all the items under each category
- Click on an item for further information and/or to make a bid – a bid can then be made by filling in a simple form
- You will receive an email confirming your bid and a message if you are outbid
- The latest bids can viewed online
- Items may be added to the auction up until the time the auction closes – there will be a small delay between items being added and the timer/ bid form being ready
This online auction has been developed for the school by Adam Hamflett, to whom we are extremely grateful for his continued support.
If you have any questions or problems regarding the auction please email