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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy


We operate an Internet Payments option for various activities at school, e.g. school meals, trips and events.

Catering & Printing Credits at the Secondary School

Please visit the Parent Pay website to login and get further information about this service.

A welcome letter has been sent to parents with logon details, if you have not received yours please contact 

School Trips for The Piggott School

Please visit the SCOpay Internet Payments website page  for further information about this service, including a guide.

A welcome Letter has been sent to parents with your logon details, if you have not received yours please contact  


Online Ordering of Curriculum Materials via Amazon

Books, Revision Guides & Equipment
Recommended Equipment & Revision Materials which will raise some money for the school without affecting the purchase price.

Access the Equipment and Revision Materials Selection

Items on the above are for guidance only, if you prefer to purchase your own revision materials from another vendor then please feel free to.